Innovating Anywhere

Curious Puppy Online thrives on delivering innovative solutions through the power of online communities. We promote alternative thinking and advanced design concepts to yield solutions that are exponentially greater than the sum of their parts.

Driving Innovation in Multiple Industries

Curious Puppy Online is committed to using the thoughts and talents of many to pioneer unique solutions. While our focus tends to be on technology, any industry could be fair game. Home automation, information technology, AI, electrical, YouTube creative, homeowner assistance, and even the foodie scene… anything could pop up next. We are always looking for new areas that need concentrated innovation.

Tech Innovation

Home Automation

Foodie Experiences

Home Improvement

Innovating Future Success Together

Have an idea? Like to become part of the Curious Puppy ecosystem? We’d love to discuss.

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Crowdsourced Cutting-edge Solutions

Most efforts start as projects leveraging an open community for incubation of ideas. Click below to see our current projects. This is your chance to offer insight, help design the next big thing, and get special early-adopter benefits.